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The image that others have of us is formed even before we start a conversation.

The gestures, the posture, the clothes we wear, the physiognomy: all these elements reveal our identity and are channels of communication with others. But are we conveying the message we really want to communicate?

Personality, and the way one treats others is without any doubt the most important of all! 

But unfortunately often times your image doesn't represent your personality or the way you want to be seen by the outside world. My goal is it to help you to not only dress well but to find your own personal style and to be confident! 


While there are rules and etiquette one should know... Style is not about etiquette or what you should or shouldn't wear. Style is unique and it represents individuals and even more important: one should identify himself and feel comfortable in his style! "Wear you clothes, don't let you clothes wear you!"


I offer style advice , answer questions to those who already found their personal style but might be looking for a specific piece or as well as helping a groom who is simply overwhelmed when it comes to find the right outfit for his wedding. Even starting first position in a job that requires a certain etiquette might need guidance. Formal, semi formal, business casual, casual are terms that are overwhelming for many Gentlemen. 


Bagels & Blazers - The Gentleman Source is there to cover multiple areas.

From creating a individual timeless wardrobe to etiquette all the way to finding the right briefcase/bag that represents you the best. 


I want to help and provide Gentlemen in today’s world with the confidence they need to succeed. Get in touch and let me help you being the most confident Gentleman in the room. 


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Everything You Need

Mens Clothing Store


Personal appearance, how a Gentleman dresses on a daily basis as well as on specific occasions, is of decisive importance in both professional and personal relationships.

The external image we project plays a prominent role. 

While this is without a doubt true,

I would argue that finding your own personal style, the style you not only feel well dressed but feel comfortable in, is just as  if not more important.

Only when a person truly feels comfortable in their clothes and clothes represent their wearer one transmits confidence in exchange with others. 

Let's find the style that represents you the best and makes you feel confident! 

Get in contact with me and let's chat! 

Groom's Accessories


Gentlemen oftentimes think, putting on a suit or maybe getting into a tuxedo is everything I need for my wedding.

I disagree and your partner probably does so too - especially when she / he has a certain idea or image for your upcoming wedding.


A day full of emotion, love and joy deserves to be perfect in every way. Creating an image that maintains the groom's authenticity and naturalness is essential by also making sure you are aligned with your partners style.

Apart from choosing the right outfit there are so many other details one needs to consider - like having a second shirt handy on the day of your wedding, length of your socks and so on... 

Let's make every second of your wedding worthwhile, always with a lot of style and elegance!

Get in contact with me and let's chat!

Group Of Business People Sitting Around Table


Your image is your business card!

Always make sure your appearance is one that represents you as a person, respects your clients as well as represents the company well..


Oftentimes Gentlemen dress in a certain way - following a dress code - but end up wearing a uniform that doesn't necessarily represent themselves.

Even if you work in the most conservative environment (banks, law firms etc.) there is a lot of space for individual preferences and style.


Identifying your assets and how to leverage them can be essential to your career advancement. When you develop your presence, others take you more seriously, see you as more capable, trust you more, and are even more likely to listen to you. 

Let's make sure you are dressed appropriately and at the same time respect your personal style.

That's what will make you successful!

Get in contact with me and let's chat! 


Making sure you get your clothes from trusted brands. 




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Brand Affiliations

Proper Cloth 

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Pini Parma 

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Spier and Mackay

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Bagels & Blazers - The Gentleman's Source. 
For more information or questions you might have, please feel free to get in touch with us.

We're here to help you finding your own style!

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